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Annuities for Individuals


What are Annuities? 

An annuity is a type of investment account typically used for retirement savings. Often, it is used to generate lifetime income payments in retirement. By definition, an annuity is a contract between you and a third party, usually an insurance company. Whereby, in exchange for making a lump sum payment (or by paying a monthly premium), the issuing insurance company provides some type of guarantee on your investment.


Retirement Alarm Clock

Sample Illustration with Athene

Checkout this exciting example of turning your hard earned savings into an investment for your future.

Click on this link: 2020 RVRInsurance-Athene Bonus Example

Our Top 10 Companies

How do I get Annuities? 

You can purchase an annuity outright. Or, you can roll over money from an employer-sponsored retirement plan, such as

  • 401(k),
  • 403(b),
  • or other profit sharing plan.

Rolling over your assets into an annuity offers you many benefits.  These benefits include:

  • continued tax deferral,
  • growth potential,
  • protection from market downturns, guaranteed lifetime income,
  • flexibility, and
  • allows you to leave a legacy for your loved ones.

RVR Insurance can assist you with identifying and purchasing the annuity that will best help you achieve your retirement goals.  Give Rralph a call or fill out the contact us form.